
A Danish high-risk payment processor

Key Data

  • Trading Name: OpenUp
  • Legal Entity: OPENUP Consulting Services ApS
    Chestnut Investments Lda
  • Activities: high-risk online payment processor
  • Location: Denmark, United Kingdom, Portugal
  • Regulations: none
  • Key People: Svetlana Ivanova

OpenUp is a high-risk payment processor operated by Openup Consulting Services AsP in Denmark. Chestnut Investments Lda in Portugal owns the company.

The only director of Openup is Svetlana Ivanova. On LinkedIn, we found 12 people connected to the OpenUp across different jurisdictions in the United Kingdom, India, or Nigeria.


OpenUp bills itself as “the future of financial services.” According to a presentation and its website, the payment processor offers merchant accounts with dedicated IBAN, SWIFT access, and card processing services.

It also offers company setup services, including bank accounts.

Their solutions include:

  • Open Banking
  • Foreign Exchange
  • Global Card Solutions
  • alternative payment methods (APM)

Moreover, OpenUp also offers funding for innovative startups in the payment sector with financing from $5,000 to $15 million.


On Trustpilot, OpenUp holds a 4.8-star rating with a corresponding “Excellent” trust level.


We have received credible information that OpenUp is connected to the Indian-British iPayTotal (PR42 profile) group.

We found OpenUp, ArdelixPay, ChargeMoney and RESET as facilitating payment processors in the CrystalsCapitals broker scam.

We have received reports confirming our suspicion that they are involved in scamming activities and deceiving merchants, therefore, we has downgraded OpenUp to BLACK.

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